How to live your Truth

How to live your Truth

The most meaningful thing in life is to live your truth, to respect and recognize who you really are and what you really believe in. What do you feel and say to yourself behind your public mask?


Define Clearly What Is True To You

To have the courage to live a life true to yourself and not the life others expect, you need to define clearly what it is true to you. What are your own deepest values and what do they mean to you? I mean what they really represent to you not to your family or the society. Your values are who you are in your own deepest nature and not whom you think you should be in order to fit in. When the way you think, speak and behave align with your deepest values, you enjoy life and love yourself. You are happy.


Living Your Truth Will Free You

Learning how to live your truth is not about changing yourself, it is about freeing yourself. Being free makes you confident and powerful. It allows you to honour the God/Goddess within you through your thoughts, your actions and interactions. You will no longer feel guilty taking car of yourself. Living your truth allows you to think clearly, making decisions easily and establishing healthy self-care and personal boundaries.


I Am Enough

It is human nature to want to be liked and respected. We do a lot of efforts to be accepted, putting too much pressure on ourselves. Support is always good but having the confidence to accept what is right for you will help you to release from the need of approval from others. It is good enough just to be. Don’t judge yourself too hard. Always do your best. There will be days you will be up and days you will be down. Just accept it and enjoy the whole journey, you will be fine.


When you discover something that nourishes your soul, have the courage to make room for it in your life. Enjoy your journey.


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